Mike Benhaim

…is a renaissance man of communications who chooses to refer to himself in third person when listing personal accolades. Benhaim has paid professional dues as a DJ, comic, music blogger, and columnist for a national newspaper in whose formidable decline he may have been instrumental.  This career chronology affords him the self-entitlement to comment on a variety of topics on which he may or may not be qualified to speak intelligently, a fact that will in no way deter him from doing so. Tailor your expectations accordingly. 

“everyone is entitled to their opinion”. While the statement may be accurate, it doesn’t apply to a debate of actual facts. Saying “I don’t like that song.”. THAT is your opinion. But if my doctor tells me I have high blood pressure, can I say, “Well, you’re entitled to your opinion.”?

Mike Benhaim on ‘Opinions’

“But once I observed the first group of imbeciles who were willing to devour a pair of walrus testicles with a side of live maggots, and wash it down with a lukewarm cup of blended sewer rat, not to WIN, but just for the privilege to perform tasks of even greater repugnance, I was disheartened. “

Mike Benhaim on ‘Fear Factor’

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