Just when I wanted to leave all of the political and pandemic crap alone, and start writing about music again, here comes Kanye West with an ignorant tweet. So in some ways, I guess this is a little of both.
Kanye (Now just “Ye”) tweeted the following:
“I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE. The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda.“
Under the circumstances, I will refrain from commenting on his awkward grammar and lack of necessary punctuation. I will not even draw attention to the fact that he misspelled, and clearly misunderstood the meaning of DEFCON, or why he decided on level 3, which if I understand correctly, refers to deployment of the Air Force. Since when does killing Jews require air strikes?
Alright, so maybe I didn’t refrain from comment, but I only wish to illustrate the type of individual that typically makes these statements. Some call them imbeciles or ignoramuses, but I prefer not to resort to name-calling, so let’s just say… Someone who is uninformed.
Firstly, I am unclear to who he is specifically referring, so I cannot confirm or deny whether they are Jews at all. Apparently, some people have come to equate a rich white man with “Jew”. What I CAN declare with certainty, is that even if those individuals he claims “tried to blackball anyone who opposes your agenda” were Jews, the rest of us were not privy to the agenda in question. In other words, NO group can, or should assume responsibility for the actions of every individual in a global community.
Furthermore, if it seems that Jews are touchy about things like this, perhaps it is because we have seen the consequences, all too recently, that inflammatory comments like this can impose on the clueless masses. There are far too many uneducated, intellectually lazy, and pathetic individuals, who as such, are unequipped to overcome even the most basic obstacles in life, and take comfort in creating a scapegoat (or 2, or more) upon whom they can blame their woeful impotence.
Although, I am not just referring to the Holocaust, the obvious bears mentioning. Far too many card-carrying citizens who can vote and make numerous decisions that affect us all, are contently unaware of the most inconceivable atrocities in recent history. Clearly, our public school systems are too overwhelmed with the subject of personal pronouns to fit this into the curriculum.
I became aware of this lack of education 10 years ago during a conversation with a seemingly functional adult male who innocently asked (of the Holocaust) why we need so many films about something that happened a hundred years ago. So, I instinctively knew that neither history nor math, were prominent on his school’s syllabus. And even after he replied to one of my references with “Who’s Anne Frank?”, I was determined not to assume the defensive. That is, until I inquired as to which of the films he might be referring. Was it Schindler’s List? The Pawnbroker? The Pianist? His response was both disheartening and highly unsettling…
“I don’t know. I don’t watch any of that depressing shit!”.
Well, there you have it. The microcosm of our existence. If a man in his mid-forties could not bring himself to allocate two hours in his entire life, even to validate a position he has decidedly chosen to adopt, then what hope have we for a generation that will opt out midway through a TikTok video if it is longer than 30 seconds?
The fact that Kanye West, or “Ye” or “Yahweh”, or whatever he calls him self these days, has been deemed a musical genius by … well, himself, clearly does not correspond to any other aspect of his existence. After all, he is parent to children of a Kardashian. Does that mean nothing anymore?
All we can do now is pray for him, and the rest of us.
“Lord, please forgive Kan… oops, Ye. He knoweth not what he do…eth? Forgive him for his marital indiscretions, his arrogance, his insensitivity, and his overpriced sneakers. Thank you lord. Amen.”
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