Over the past two years, our world has evolved into a global ‘Battle Royale’ as we collectively witnessed every cautionary tale in the history of literature play out before our eyes, but only recognized by those who had read, and recall their respective plots: 1984, Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, The Scarlet Letter, Catch-22, Camus’ The Stranger, and War and Peace (Alright, I never actually finished that one, but I know what it’s about!).
It began innocently enough. Your run-of-the-mill deadly pandemic of mysterious origin that inspired the world to band together, philosophically, in defense of a common adversary. For one brief moment, we were united. But it was all too brief, if it even was at all.
What followed was a large scale, textbook marketing campaign so glaringly obvious, that its very execution raised questions to those of us still employing the increasingly rare art of logic. Many, like myself, were asked to disregard every basic tenet of immunology imparted upon us in the last century, and voluntarily submit to multiple injections, regardless of personal circumstance, or natural immunity. They of weak resolve, submerged in some nefarious downpour of RE-information, began to wonder whether they ever knew what they thought they knew to begin with.
Amidst the madness and confusion, many turned to their deity. No, not Yahweh, or Allah, or Vishnu… I refer to the one omniscient, omnipotent overseer, of humanity, and the ultimate judge of judges. Yes, the internet!
And this G-d betrayed us all. Like some celestial rendition of “tail wagging dog”. She, the sovereign supreme, stood silent, allowing herself to be a pawn in the vile manipulation of the weary ignorant masses, and as such, was complicit in the “divide and conquer” foundation of a psychological civil war.
And now, the veil of imposed hysteria has been lifted just enough to reveal, if not the reason, then at very least, the flaws behind a crusade that left more devastation in its wake than any foreshadowed doomsday ever could.
Well, at least we emerge from this experience, wiser, and universally more cohesive. The overzealous, self-appointed arbitrators of righteousness who aggressively judged their fellows for daring to inquire, who persecuted expectant mothers and parents understandably agonizing over the complex decision of subjecting their offspring to a substance, the long-term effects of which no one can profess to know, have surely seen the error of their arrogance by now.
Politicians and mainstream media have taken a step back, reviewed the overwhelming evidence, and admit that they may have pushed the agenda of fear a bit too forcefully. Kudos to our leaders for having the integrity to pivot accordingly and begin to repair the psychological and economic demolition of society. There is no truer sign of advanced civilization than to recognize its misdeeds, in order to emerge augmented and enriched.
Wait a minute… I was thinking of an old movie. Forgive me. That has not happened at all!
No, despite the utter collapse of every oft-disputed nonsensical narrative, these self-righteous, browbeating bulldozers remain as insistent as a chocolate-stained child in the pantry saying “What cookies?”.
And as we sluggishly restore meaning to the awkwardly re-branded term “science” as “a branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts obtained by systematic study”, it is important for us as human beings to also return to each other.
So, to those who chose to sever life-long friendships by adopting aggressive, sanctimonious stances based on blind faith in dubious institutions instead of genuine compassion, those of us who could see, forgive you. You do not have to look back now, and feel stupid.
But I think the rest of us would feel a lot better if you did.
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