For those who have not read Letter to Belgian Ambassador it may help put the following in perspective. Attached is the ambassador’s well-meaning and diplomatic response. I welcome your comments. But first, I feel compelled to preface with a brief thought:
Crimes against humanity of this nature can never be dismissed on the basis of having occurred before your lifetime. Because even the repressed bigotry of one generation will osmotically influence the next. Traces exist in seemingly innocuous phrases like “Let it go already. It’s in the past. Stop banging that drum. Move forward, etc.”
Well, the reason that accounts of certain atrocities are so frequently retold is not just because the victims cannot let go of the past. It is that we see repeated evidence that the hatred that nourished the transgressors of those unspeakable horrors is a barely-dormant contagion at risk of rapid re-infection. Diplomacy has been refined to where the objects of this quiet contempt may remain naive to the true nature of its poison. Until something happens (and it continuously happens) that makes an entire society shudder in unison. Except, of course, for those who don’t: The ones who believe something is only wrong because, and only until, the law says so. But if we were to wake tomorrow with leaders sermonizing a return to “supremacy”, there are those that would without hesitation, climb the mountain of piled-up carcasses to retrieve what they believe would rightly be theirs if not for the mythical “money-grubbing Jew” Herr Grandpa had warned them about.
In other words, it is not the joke that offends. It is the premise.
Dear Mr. Benhaim,
Thank you for sharing this (well written) “letter” with us. We fully understand to what extent the caricature representation of Jewish People at this year’s Carnival in the city of Aalst may have offended Jewish communities. We deeply regret this incident. Reviving an image of Jews that was used in the anti-Jewish propaganda that ultimately lead to the Shoah, bears testimony of a blatant lack of historical discernment and sensitivity by that particular group of carnivalists, eclipsing their assertion that they “had no anti-Semitic intention and just wanted to illustrate the theme of their float – A sabbatical year – as they saved money for a grander float for the next year”.
However, branding Belgium as a whole as an Anti-Semitic country in the very particular context of the carnival of Aalst regrettably doesn’t do justice to all the efforts, past and present, of the Belgian authorities and society to combat anti-Semitism. An effective regulatory framework has been put into place, on the basis of which this incident is currently being addressed. Indeed, a complaint has been filed with UNIA, our independent public institution and monitoring body that combats discrimination and promotes equal opportunities. UNIA will study the incident and can take appropriate action. It has announced that it will start by bringing all stakeholders together to discuss the issue, as dialogue is indeed the best remedy against further polarization.
The fight against discrimination and racism truly is a top priority for Belgium. Belgium was among the first countries to adopt specific legislation against racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia. Since 1995, Belgium has a specific law in place repressing the denial, minimization, justification or approval of the genocide committed by the German National Socialist regime during the Second World War. The cooperation and exchange of opinions, ideas and concerns between the government and the Jewish community are structurally organized in a ‘Vigilance Cell against Antisemitism’ set up recently.
While no justification whatsoever can ever be given to real or perceived anti-Semitic practices, it is useful to remind of the context of the Carnival of Aalst. The essence (and popularity) of this yearly event is indeed irreverence, humor, satire and derision. This is rooted in the origins of carnivals in Europe in general: just before fasting starts in the run up to Easter, ordinary people – the carnivalists – are allowed to take over power for a few festive days and mock the establishment. The century-old tradition in Aalst is that anything and anyone can be the target of derision and caricature, be it local, national or international politicians (from all parties), sensitive societal issues, all religions, our own monarchy, etc. In that context, the many carnival societies within the city each select a theme for their respective floats that compete against each other. They have full autonomy, not being censored or scrutinized in any way by the authorities during the preparations thereof. Bad taste and political incorrectness are often part of the concept, but within the very confined time and space of the carnival – very well known to Belgians but much less so to an international public – hardly anything is considered out of bounds. Usually “what happens in Aalst stays in Aalst”. Obviously not this time. And probably rightfully so.
The float of 2013 which you mentioned – equally objectionable and of very poor taste – depicted the ruling political party NVA (Flemish nationalists) as nazis in order to criticize and deride their perceived anti-Walloon policies (Wallonia = French-speaking part of Belgium). It had the provocative inscription : “deportation of the french-speakers”. Internal Belgian politics grossly caricatured but accepted by the politicians concerned because it’s the carnival of Aalst.
Be assured that neither myself nor anyone representing Belgium can in any way subscribe to willfully diminishing the history of the Jewish people and their suffering. I trust that the appropriate steps will be taken to prevent this incident from happening again.
Johan Verkammen – Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium • Ambassade du Royaume de Belgique
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