Dear Mr. Ambassador,
I have just seen the photos of the “Jew float” at the Aalst Carnival earlier this week and I would like to be the first to congratulate Belgium on their originality! Bravo to the FTP Group for really stepping up your game.
Frankly, I only wish I could have been anywhere around that meeting of brilliant creative minds when they came up with the idea.
I don’t know what there is to complain about. Especially after his honour, the great mayor of Belgium stated that “the carnival participants had no sinister intentions” (Good enough for me), and that anonymous spokesperson explained that the display was only meant “to address how everything has become so expensive.”.
Nailed it!
Really, as soon as I saw those images, even before I could really absorb all of the subtle Jew-y details they clearly worked so hard to include, like the rat (nice touch guys), the first thing that came to mind was “Wow, things really HAVE gotten expensive!”.

And let’s be fair: Could that message have been delivered any more impactfully than by reviving, nay, UPDATING some of that good old Nazi-propaganda imagery we just don’t see enough of anymore? It’s retro, it’s vintage. Oh, and those sinister surly faces and curly locks, as they sit on piles of gold and silver? So totally on the money (no pun intended). Classic Jew-figures!
It’s not like we don’t know that the entire global economy is run by Jews anyway, right? So who is it hurting, really? They’re not an underprivileged group. They all have bags of money from smuggling diamonds in their big, black hats. So how long are these “chosen” people going to obsess over a few million ancestors that were humiliated, tortured, defiled and murdered like what, 75 years ago?
Jeez! Get over it, right?
Hey, I even read that in 2013, this same carnival had a float depicting those old Nazi railway wagons once used to transport Jews to the camps. So clever! I hear they even had FTP employees dressed as SS officers ushering some of those iconic Hassidic characters with their big noses and long beards off to the gas chambers. How does someone not see the obvious humour in that?
And I heard that UNESCO condemned it. Unbelievable! It’s those types of short-sighted cretins that make it hard to throw a classy event.
What are Jews worried about anyway? That it could happen again? Please!
This is 2019. Can’t they see that we have evolved into an enlightened society of civilized people who have laws preventing racism and bigotry? It could never happen. They’d see it coming.
The problem is, some people just don’t know their history.
Nazis didn’t just start killing Jews out of nowhere. They started slowly. The seeds of hatred were already in the ground. They just watered the heck out of them with subtle persecution and subliminal propaganda. You know, a little at a time, until the public came around. It was like, months before Hitler gained a good head of steam and Nazis started shooting Jews in the streets in broad daylight. Until then, it had been strictly your standard violent physical assaults.
First of all, these Jew-folks are crafty. Sometimes they would shave and take off those furry hats, and they’d blend in with other humans!
Side note: Most Jews only make that creepy “Jew-face” when they’re counting their money.
So first, they had to pass a law whereby Jews all had to wear those identifying yellow patches and armbands. Then, once they made it mandatory for everyone to expose any non-compliant Hymies, and publicly killed a few “Jew-lovers” just to let everyone know they were not fooling around, it really caught on and everyone started getting in on the fun.
It became really addictive, you know? Knowing you could just wake up, have a coffee, kill some Jews, and then, off to work!
Good times. But it was short lived.
Because once they really started shipping them out to the camps in bulk, those little Abies and Rivkies became scarce to a point where a guy would go out with the boys on a Saturday night and just couldn’t find a Jew to beat or rape anywhere.
Alas, we knew it was the price we had to pay to rid the continent of that “Yiddish infestation”.
And maybe if the Nazis had completed their mission, we wouldn’t be listening to these Killjoys “raining on your parade”.
So “Chapeau” to you and everyone involved for standing up and saying, “Hey world, we may look like you on the outside, but when it comes right down to it, we are above your puerile notions of decency, humanity, and compassion. We reject notions of education, or intellect, or rational judgement. We live in the now, like 6 year-old children. And not the ones that actually grow up to make something of themselves, rather more like those that continuously repeat their mistakes until they inevitably self-destruct. That is who we are and we are proud!”
Thank you so very much.
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